DeLegge Medical is a member of the DeLegge Family Companies which include DeLegge Medical Technology Accelerator, Hammerhead Design and Restorative Physiology Group in Charleston SC, and our family owned DeLegge Funeral Home in Schenectady NY. We have been a small business for over 100 years, and aim to continue to serve our customers with respect and dedication to service, and to the individual. It is personal after all.
DeLegge Medical has three divisions to serve you. In our Medical Device Division, we design custom medical devices and custom medical models. We have designed devices and models for many leading device companies including Cook, BSCI, Olympus, Covidien and Endochoice. We have approximately 45 patents on our own devices which are in areas such as enteral feeding, wire guide handling, spinal cage design and obesity. For information on how we help our corporate partners with design sustainability, design testing, model development for product validation and training, brainstorming solutions to clinical needs, and Risk assessment table development, click here.
In our Technology Acceleration division we place focused attention on moving select concept from idea to device. We review IP from Universities, Medical Schools, Individual Inventors and Companies. Out of those ideas we select the ones that best fit our skill set, reflect a clinical unmet need, and have a unique approach or solution. Once chosen, we participate with the inventor to move the project through development so that it is ready for presentation to a strategic partner or investor. We present the investor or partner with the information they will need to make a decision. This includes functionality, testing, manufacturing capabilities and estimated costs, reimbursement, regulatory path and a stable IP portfolio.
Our Explant Division is managed by Robin Murray. Robin has been working with us for 8 years and has assisted and orchestrated many hands on courses. She can manage and plan your course fully. She also can customize explants (explanted tissue) to your specifications including polyps, tumors, bleeders and strictures. Besides managing many large courses throughout the year, she ships to individual reps so that an educational opportunity can be created with the nurse or physician. Payment by credit card allows the representative to manage their account and be reimbursed. Billing to a house account is also effective. We ship overnight so that the frozen explants are not thawed until you need them. If you need a special organ or tissue piece, just ask Robin. All of our parts come from USDA inspected animals entering our food chain. They should be stored frozen and thaw just before use. Like a meat product they are best if kept cool.