DeLegge Medical wants you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you decide within 30 days that you do not want the product you purchased you may return it for a full refund or exchange as long as it is unopened in its original packaging. Notice: For a full refund or exchange on explants you must notify prior to shipping and receive a return authorization number. Perishables can be returned within 30 days if they have remained frozen and are shipped to us in a cooler via FedEx priority overnight.
We make all effort to get orders shipped to you in advance of your course. If the order does not arrive by the start of your course (due to an unplanned FedEx shipping malfunction) you will not be charged for the order if you do the following. You must notify us of a return shipment due to "unplanned FedEx shipping delay" at and ship the trays and explants back to us unopened via FedEx Priority Overnight.
If an incorrect shipping address was given to us we will make every effort to correct this error enroute, but cannot offer a full refund.
DeLegge Medical reserves the right to change or update these policies at any time without notice.